Ethnological Research in the Taî-Dams Villages in Vietnam.
Masao KASHINAGA is Assistant Professor at Department of Social Research - National Museum of Ethnology in Osaka, Japan.
Its research topics are :
1. Historical study about the traditional socio-political units in the Southeast Asia; 2. Ethnographic study on the Black Tai society focusing on the material cultures; 3. Study about the relation between the Nation and the ethnic groups.
In this interview named: "Ethnological research in the Taî-Dams villages in Vietnam ", Mr Masao Kashinaga speaks about his academic course and describes its research about the ethnic groups belonging to the Tai-speaking people that are mainly living in Northern Vietnam.
Through the video, you will be able to listen some readings of old manuscript in Black-Taï language.
樫永真佐夫 : "ベトナムの黒タイ族村落における民族学調査"
(国立民族学博物館) 民族社会研究部・助教